

Aluminium ingots

Supplier: OJSC «VILS»

Products made of aluminum alloys are used for making semi-processed products intended for aerospace, ship-building, defense, construction industry and other branches.

Magnesium ingots

Supplier: OJSC «VILS»

Ingots of magnesium-based alloys according to GOST 14957-76

High-strength steel long hollow shaft forgings

Supplier: OJSC «VILS»

High-strength steel long hollow shaft forgings, low-pressure compressors with flanges made of high-strength steels and alloys for aircraft gas-turbine engines, gas-turbine plants, gas-pumping units, gear-boxes.


Supplier: Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Plant JSC (EZOCM)

Used for mining, automotive industry and instrument-making.

Zirconium ingots

Supplier: Chepetsky Mechanical Plant

Ingots are manufactured 400-450 mm in diameter; weight of ingot is within 1000 - 3500 kgs.

Zirconium dioxide

Supplier: Chepetsky Mechanical Plant

is a crystalline white or white with grey or white with yellow tint powder, can include lumps of sintered material which are easily milled.