

Train Set of Cars for Contaminants «СЗ-800»

Supplier: RPM Group

Train Set of Cars for Contaminants «СЗ-800» is used in the course of running-shed maintenance and repair of railway track in tractive connection with high-performance on-track ballast cleaning machines and complexes, cleansing machines, and machines for cleaning and cutting of roadside ditches. The Train Set of Cars for Contaminants consists of two identical modules. Each module comprises five accumulation open-top wagons and one trailer wagon. The train set of cars is intended for mechanized accumulation of contaminants, their transportation to place of unloading and unloading in specially designated areas or reloading into another train set of cars for contaminants.

Flattening, tamping and leveling machine ПМА-1

Supplier: RPM Group

The flattering, tamping and leveling machine of continuous-cycling operation is intended for complex flattering of railway tracks having track gauge of 1520 mm with any types of track bed structure in the course of its running-shed maintenance and repairs, construction of new lines and reconstruction of old ones.

High-Performance Ballast Cleaning Machine «ЩОМ-1200»

Supplier: RPM Group

High-Performance Ballast Cleaning Machine «ЩОМ-1200» with output capacity of up to 1200 cubic m/h, performing cleaned ballast layering into the track with its separating into fractions and cutting surface consolidation before laying of textile fabric or polystyrene foam plates and consolidation of the first (lower) layer of cleaned ballast. The machine consists of three sections: Tractive and Electricity-Generating Section «ТЭС», extracting section and cleaning section. Tractive and Electricity-Generating Section «ТЭС» is equipped with diesel-generator of the Cummins Company with capacity of 650 kW.

Trail-Type Track Stabilizer «СПП»

Supplier: RPM Group

Trail-Type Track Stabilizer «СПП» is applied for accelerated, adjustable and controllable consolidation of railway track without violation of its longitudinal profile, level and plan at all kinds of repairing and in the course of construction of new railway tracks.