

Compact heat meter «Pulsar» mechanical

Supplier: Teplovodokhran Ltd.

Heat meter «Pulsar» is used for measurements: heat energy, cooling energy, heat power, flow rate, water temperature, temperature difference. It can be used in dead-end hot water supply system and measure water volume with temperature above set value. Heat meter consists of flow sensor, counter and 2 platinum temperature sensors. Heat meter’s counter calculates volume, temperature and heat energy consumption in flow and return pipelines.

Compact heat meter «Pulsar» ultrasonic

Supplier: Teplovodokhran Ltd.

Ultrasonic Heat meter «Pulsar» is used for measurements: heat energy, cooling energy, heat power, flow rate, water temperature, temperature difference. It can be used in dead-end hot water supply system and measure water volume with temperature above set value. Heat meter consists of flow sensor, counter and 2 platinum temperature sensors. Heat meter’s counter calculates volume, temperature and heat energy consumption in flow and return pipelines.

Event recorder for electrical freight locomotive RPDA-G

Supplier: AVP Technology

Event recorder for freight electrical locomotives RPDA-G is suitable for measuring and persistent recording of more that 40 main locomotive sensors and train parameters.

Event recorder for passenger electrical locomotive RPDA –P

Supplier: AVP Technology

Event recorder for passenger electrical locomotives RPDA-P was designed for real time measuring and recording basic parameters of AC and DC locomotives operation. Parameters are recorded into flash storage called “cartridge”.