Teplovodokhran Ltd.
Basic information
Teplovodokhran is Russian leading manufacture of system solutions for smart energy and water metering, founded in 1997. We produce variety of metering equipment for different utilities. Our products well known as “Pulsar” trade mark. We also produce some devices for our OEM customers.
Today Teplovodokhran is dynamic company, employs more then 230 people, including R&D team. We have high-perfomence SMT production workshop, modern accredited metrological laboratory.
The mission of the company is to supply highest quality products and services to every customer.
What we offer
We offer a full range of ultrasonic water, heat meters and heat cost allocators. The main advantage is our meters are complited with our own remote data read out services.
The main products are:
- residential, house and industrial ultrasonic water meters for cold and hot water,
- mechanical and ultrasonic heat meters,
- heat cost allocators,
- server software for metering data reading, storing in database and distribution.
- communication devices for RF, wired (RS485, M-BUS) and GSM data reading solutions,
- RF and M-BUS modules for water meters from other manufactures.
Our smart meters are the part of IoT (Internet Of Things) world.
Ryazan, RussiaProducts