Fast recovery LEDs FRD and modules based on them
Supplier: Angstrem
The fast-recovering FRD diodes and the Angstrom production modules based on them are completely domestic products, produced on crystals of their own design and not inferior in performance to world analogues.
Supplier: Angstrem
The fast-recovering FRD diodes and the Angstrom production modules based on them are completely domestic products, produced on crystals of their own design and not inferior in performance to world analogues.
Supplier: The Ruselectronics holding company
Semiconductor microwave multiplier diodes are designed to operate in the decimeter, centimeter
and millimeter wavelength ranges in frequency multipliers.
Supplier: ATC-"Semiconductor Devices" (ATC-SD)
ATC-Semiconductor Devices manufactures multi-mode high power laser diodes with CW output power of 500 mW ... 8 W, and QCW laser arrays (bars) with peak output power up to 150 W.
Laser diode cooling heads Model ATC-10H and ATC-05H
Supplier: ATC-"Semiconductor Devices" (ATC-SD)
ATC-SD laser diodes in CW operation mode or pulsed one with pulse duty factor more than 0,3% and pulse duration more than 500 ms require additional cooling. Two types of cooling heads are offered. The first model - ATC-10H is used with laser diodes with CW output power from 500 to 10000 mW, packed into TO-3 case. ATC-10H has high efficient Peltier thermocooler anf slide-contacts connector for standard TO-3 cases, which allows to replace the laser diodes easily. Also this cooling head is equipped with mini-fan as a forced cooling system.