

JSC Krasnodar instrument factory “Cascade”

JSC Krasnodar instrument factory “Cascade” in 2012-2015 as part of the federal targeted program of Russia carried out reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production with the introduction of new equipment for the main types of technologies. We are pleased to organize mutually beneficial cooperation with your company and perform the following activities for you: 1.    All kinds of metalwork with the use of new CNC machine tools with an accuracy of 0.01 mm and the cutting laser. 2.    Radi...

JSC "Concern "Systemprom"

Is a part of Sozvezdiye concern, subsidiary of Ruselectronics holding of the radioelectronic cluster of the State corporation Rostec.

JSC "SIE "Rubin"

Main information: One of the leading Russian enterprises for the development of automated systems and control systems, information systems for special applications. Main products: - staff, command-staff and special machines on the basis of wheeled and tracked; - Stationary and mobile AMS for various purposes; - Software package; - Telecommunication facility; - AWS for exchanging classified information document;- Sources of secondary power high-power;- Trackballs; - Absorbers rope frame. The comp...

Moscow Radiotechnical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

Basic directions of the Institute's activity: Design of powerful microwave devices, charged particles accelerators and other complicated electrophysical installations; Studies in the field of high power radiophysics, dynamics of the charged particles beams, physics of the gas discharges in the fields of powerful microwave radiation , development of the methods of their application; Design of the devices for microwave and radiation sterilization of medical items, agricultural and food products; D...


JSC “NICEVT” is one of the oldest developers of hard- and software. In 1994 NICEVT enterprise was transformed into Joint-Stock Company NICEVT with federal ownership share 60,26%. In accordance with the Executive Order of the Russian President №297, since March,20, 2009, JSC “NICEVT” has been included into JSC “Radio Engineering Corporation “VEGA””. The most important business line of scientific and technological activities of JSC “NICEVT” is development of supercomputer technologies and their im...


The main activities of Shvabe are the development and serial production of optical and laser systems and complexes, modern optical materials and technologies, high-tech medical equipment, aerospace monitoring systems and remote sensing of the Earth, instruments for scientific research, energy-efficient lighting, nanomechanics, and other high-tech products. The range of products manufactured at the enterprises of the holding exceeds 6500 units. Shvabe has unique technologies in the development an...

“Ural Plant of Electric Connectors “ISET” Open Joint Stock Company

“Ural Plant of Electric Connectors “ISET” Open Joint Stock Company,
founded in 1970, is a Russian plant, specialized in design
and manufacturing of electric connectors for aircraft and spacecraft.

Included in Rostec State Corporation

LLC Electronika

LLC “Electronika” is a Russian developer and distributor of high-tech security systems for the facilities with strict safety requirements. The company has been successfully carrying out projects on the creation of security systems for industrial plants, transport system facilities, commercial property, banking and government control facilities since 1993. The areas of focus are consulting services on complex protection of facilities: assessment of vulnerabilities, development of security models ...


Rybinsk Instrument making plant. It is a production complex that performs R&D in the field of production of doppler velocity meters, the angle of demolition and the traversed path of aircraft and helicopters of all modifications, as well as telemetric systems for collecting and processing information of moving objects.

The company is a part of JSC “Radio Engineering Corporation “Vega” within the holding company JSC “Roselectronics” of the State Corporation “Rostec”