Virtualization of physical facilities
Supplier: Network Media
If you want to effectively present your product, service or business idea to a wide range of potential investors, manufacturing partners or a target audience of customers, the virtualization of physical facilities is definitely indispensable. Nowadays it is hardly possible to observe more qualitative and efficient way of introducing and promoting your company and activities to modern market.
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Creating augmented reality (AR) to order
Supplier: Network Media
Developing systems and applications is a great opportunity for companies to take a visual form to their projects and products or to introduce a conceptually new object that exists only in imaginary space. Augmented reality is the type of design with new elements embedded into an already existing basis, thus the workplace become completed. An exhibition activity is one of the simple examples of using this technology. For instance, one of possible options allows users to get an interactive animation or some additional information on their screens when they target their device to some static object, like picture or showpiece.
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Creating virtual reality (VR) to order
Supplier: Network Media
Developing systems and applications with virtual reality is a great opportunity for companies to take a visual form to their projects and products or to introduce a conceptually new object that exists only in imaginary space. Virtual reality is a three-dimensional environment generated by the computer, smartphone or another device, with which user can interact by immersing it entirely or in part.
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Developing multimedia programs for interactive touchscreen tables
Supplier: Network Media
The scopes of application of touch-sensitive technologies are very diversified. Such as:
● Exhibitions and conferences of B2B, B2G, B2C, G2C, G2B (demonstration of products and services to potential clients)
● Trade: stores, offices, warehouses (automated points of sale, advertising goods, etc)
● Hotels and restaurants (automated points of sale, workplaces for managers, bartenders, waiters, self-service)
● Medicine (doctors working timetable, prices, access to patients’ cards, etc)
● Electronic commerce (payments, order tables)
● Industry (managing manufacturing process on different stages, managing orders)
● Government services (surveys, public access to legislative texts, etc)
● Touristic services (route scanning, ordering tours, paying orders)
● Payment systems (stock places, banking centers)
● Museums and expositions (schemes, plans, interactive showpiece catalogs)
Using touchscreen monitors makes the system convenient and easy to control, and it does not require such traditional items as a mouse or a keyboard. Touchscreen systems are based on the principle of touching an interesting object. This touch is mostly intuitive and subliminal and that makes touchscreen technologies available to a wide range of users.
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Developing games and educational systems G2C G2B C2C B2C B2B
Supplier: Network Media
We develop games and educational systems to order. The scope of application of this service for business and government. Developing promo-games for advertising brands on different storage media. Developing business simulations. Developing educational game courses for employees and other users. Gamificating processes inside companies. Developing games for attractions and entertainment parks. More info:
Supplier: Shvabe
Supplier: Shvabe
Supplier: JSC Sozvezdie
Development, design, design, manufacturing of exhibition and advertising models, prototype models on a scale
Supplier: SuperGTM
Supplier: SuperGTM