

Modular Training Set “Electric & Magnetic Circuits” GalSen EMCMD1

Supplier: OOO EPC Uchebnaya Tekhnika

Designed for professional training in both electrical and non-electrical specialties. The set includes individual circuit elements in the form of mini-modules, as well as ready-made boards with assembled circuits to speed up the workshop, if necessary. With the help of built-in magnets, the mini-modules and boards are easily placed in an arbitrary order on the vertical testing board, and at the end of the experiment they are removed back into the case.

RL “Mechatronics of anthropomorphic robotic systems”

Supplier: SPA “Android Technics”

We have developed a research laboratory (RL) “Mechatronics of anthropomorphic robotic systems (ARTS)”, designed for research activities and providing the educational process.

RL “3D Laboratory complex”

Supplier: SPA “Android Technics”

Research laboratory “3D Laboratory complex “(“3D LC”) is a software environment for 3D modeling based on the emulator model of the robotic complex (RTC) and the model of the environment in different versions. 3D Laboratory complex is designed for educational activities at all levels of training, formation and development of practical skills of creation of algorithms and software products for robotic systems for educational and research purposes. The laboratory complex can be used for education in the areas (specialties) of higher professional education, included in 7 of 29 enlarged groups of specialties.