

D-30KU/KP series of turbofan engines for aircrafts

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

The D-30KU/KP - family of the turbofan engines for commercial mainline and cargo / transport aircraft.

RD-600V turboshaft engine for multi-purpose medium-size commercial helicopters

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

RD-600V engine is designed for multi-purpose medium-size commercial helicopters, which can be used for passenger carriage, freight hauling aboard and on external sling, ambulance operations, salvage and rescue operations, ice reconnaissance and patrol operations of different kinds, maintenance of gas and oil pipelines, gas and oil fields, etc.

Medium multipurpose helicopter Ka-62

Supplier: Russian Helicopters

Medium multipurpose Ka-62 helicopter incorporates the latest technologies and materials in aircraft building. It meets Russian and international flight standards (Russia’s AP-29, Europe’s CS-29 and JAR-OPS3), offshore operational requirements, international standards for reliability, resource use, flight safety, comfort, usability, service life and repair.

Multipurpose helicopter Mi-26T

Supplier: Russian Helicopters

Mi-26T, the worlds best line production helicopter in terms of load capacity, is unrivaled in cost-performance parameters. This type helicopters are intensively used for all sorts of operations: transportation, evacuation, fire fighting etc. Mi-26T is capable of carrying up to 20 tons of cargo inside fuselage or on the external sling.

Light multipurpose helicopter Ansat

Supplier: Russian Helicopters

The multi-purpose light helicopter Ansat is built to a classic single-rotor design with a four blade main rotor and a two-blade tail rotor. The Ansat was developed in line with the latest AP-29 (FAR-29) Category A regulations, and meets high safety standards. The Ansat certified by the Interstate Aviation Committee’s Aviation Register (AR, IAC).

Multipurpose helicopter Ka-32A11BC

Supplier: Russian Helicopters

The Ka-32A11BC multirole helicopter is a recognised leader in its class. The helicopter is designed for special search and rescue operations, building tall structures, transporting cargo internally and on an external sling, logging, medevac and complex fire-fighting missions, as well as on patrol and to support during law enforcement operations.