Samovar with painting "Yasnaya Polyana"
Supplier: JSC machine-building PLANTSHTAMP named after B. L. VANNIKOVA
Samovar with painting "Model No. 4"
Supplier: JSC machine-building PLANTSHTAMP named after B. L. VANNIKOVA
Samovar set painted "Flowers 4"
Supplier: JSC machine-building PLANTSHTAMP named after B. L. VANNIKOVA
Supplier: JSC machine-building PLANTSHTAMP named after B. L. VANNIKOVA
Unique new model in the Tula samovar - samovar copper and brass marching, volume of 7 liters, tray, polozitelnye bowl and tube in the set.
Supplier: JSC machine-building PLANTSHTAMP named after B. L. VANNIKOVA
Unique new model in the Tula samovar "Florentine vase", a volume of 16 liters!
Supplier: JSC machine-building PLANTSHTAMP named after B. L. VANNIKOVA
The samovar is combined, with a capacity of 7 liters. This combined samovar is a profitable offer from the manufacturer.