

Сleanser Fur care #1

Supplier: Salad

Removes dirt, bacteria and odors and returns fur to its original look. Cleanser can be used for basic cleaning once in 2 years for light fur and once in 3 years for dark fur.

Neutralizer #2 Fur care

Supplier: Salad

Neutralizes traces of chemicals which have been used for cleaning, normalizes pH balance. Apply after dry cleaning only.

Nourishing balm for short hair fur #3 Fur care

Supplier: Salad

Creates texture and makes guard hair sleek, supple and shiny. Apply after using Cleanser or Neutralizer.

Protector #6 Fur care

Supplier: Salad

Improves the wearing qualities, resilience and weather-resistance of fur. Apply after using Nourishing balm.

Protein stain remover #9 Fur care

Supplier: Salad

Removes protein-based stains such as milk, egg, blood, vomit, urine and so on. To get rid of fresh stains, use Protein stain remover before basic cleaning.