Roasted coffee beans "LALIBELA COFFEE ESPRESSO" 250 г.
Supplier: LLC "Lalibela coffee"
Line of blends of ground coffee (200 gr.) and beans (250 gr.)
Roasted coffee beans "LALIBELA COFFEE ARABICA" 250 г.
Supplier: LLC "Lalibela coffee"
Line of blends of ground coffee (200 gr.) and beans (250 gr.)
Roasted ground coffee "LALIBELA COFFEE CLASSIC" 200 gr.
Supplier: LLC "Lalibela coffee"
Line of blends of ground coffee (200 gr.) and beans (250 gr.)
Roasted ground coffee "LALIBELA COFFEE RICH AROMA" 200 gr.
Supplier: LLC "Lalibela coffee"
Line of blends of ground coffee (200 gr.) and beans (250 gr.)
Roasted coffee beans "LALIBELA COFFEE EXPERT EXQUISITE" 1000 gr.
Supplier: LLC "Lalibela coffee"
Line of blends for HORECA & VENDING