Undoped yttrium aluminum garnet
Supplier: Monocrystal
Undoped yttrium aluminum garnet is an optical material similar to sapphire. Undoped YAG is widely used in UV and IR optics due to its mechanical and chemical characteristics.
Supplier: BCG ( Bagdasarov Crystal Group)
YAG has some excellent optical and other properties.
Neodymium doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Nd:YAG crystal
Supplier: BCG ( Bagdasarov Crystal Group)
Nd:YAG crystal, which continues as the best of the rare earth garnet materials that are characterized by four-level laser operation which permits low threshold pulse and cw operation, is the most mature and widely used solid-state laser material adopted by R&D, medical, industrial and military customers.
Ytterbium doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Yb:YAG crystal
Supplier: BCG ( Bagdasarov Crystal Group)
Yb:YAG is one of the most promising laser-active materials and more suitable for diode-pumping than the traditional Nd-doped crystals.