

Ultraviolet sterilizers

Supplier: SPC PromVodOchistka LTD (Industrial Water Treatment Scientific Production Center)

DESIGNATION OF ULTRAVIOLET STERILIZERS. Ultraviolet sterilizes are used in cases when pathogenic microorganisms are needed to be eradicated or prevented against growth. Water disinfection is widely used in the following spheres: -Drinking water treatment; -Process and domestic waste water treatment; -Medical drug preparation in pharmaceutics (in this case ultraviolet radiators are installed in sterile water closed circuits, inside reactors); -End drinking water abstraction points (where local sterilizers are installed).

Ultrafiltration facilities

Supplier: SPC PromVodOchistka LTD (Industrial Water Treatment Scientific Production Center)

DESIGNATION OF WATER ULTRAFILTRATION. Water ultrafiltration is used to remove proteins, high molecular organic compounds from liquids. The facilities are capable of partial retaining of bacteria and viruses. Mechanical fine-dispersed impurities may be also removed. The technique is of high demand in various sectors of industry thanks to its rather extensive potentialities: • Feed water treatment at facilities with demineralization filters and reverse osmos (ro) plants (boiler houses and plants, heat exchanging equipment); • Removal of bacteria and viruses from flows of water coming from open sources (treatment of drinking and process water); • Treatment of industrial waste waters; • Final stage of advanced treatment downstream of biological waste treatment facilities.

Ozone generators

Supplier: SPC PromVodOchistka LTD (Industrial Water Treatment Scientific Production Center)

DESIGNATION Ozone is a colorless, slightly blue gas with harsh offensive odor. It has a strong oxidation capacity. Ozone generators included into water treatment facilities allow for removal of organics, oil products and surfactants from water. Ozonization of water flow improves its organoleptic properties (decrease in water color index, elimination of unpleasant odor and bad taste). Water is disinfected thanks to ozone oxidation capacity thus eradicating a majority of pathogenic microorganisms. Iron and manganese compounds may be also removed from water with the help of ozone.

Reverse osmos systems and units

Supplier: SPC PromVodOchistka LTD (Industrial Water Treatment Scientific Production Center)

DESIGNATION AND SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF REVERSE OSMOS TECHNOLOGY. Reverse osmos is the most promising and widely used water treatment and conditioning technology. A reverse osmos unit is capable of removing 0.001–0.0001 µm particles from water. Hardness salts, sulphates, nitrates, sodium ions, small molecules, coloring agents fall under this range. The use of pretreatment stages (mechanical treatment and micro-ultra and nano-filtration) is recommended for more efficient operation.

Water disk primary filters

Supplier: SPC PromVodOchistka LTD (Industrial Water Treatment Scientific Production Center)

DESIGNATION OF DISK FILTERS. In water treatment systems mechanical filters are used as a preliminary stage. They are designed for removal of solid inclusions from incoming water flow.

Traffic Inspector

Supplier: Smart-Soft LLC

Traffic Inspector is the ultimate application for all your network security and access control needs

Traffic Inspector Enterprise

Traffic Inspector Enterprise is a system for centralized control and management of Internet access in a corporate network consisting of geographically-dispersed branch offices.