
Electro-discharge method serves\ as the basis for operation of ozonation equipment offered by spc promvodochistka ltd. Air stream passes between closely spaced electrodes. Depending on the unit model electrodes are either flat parallel to each other plates or tubes with one tube inserted into another with a little clearance. Air passing through is exposed to high voltage discharge (25 000v).
Ozone-air mixture with ozone concentration 2-12mg/l is produced at the outlet. The unit capacity is increased by air preliminary drying on silica filters. Ozonization of water with high color indices and high concentrations of organic compounds may cause secondary sedimentation. Complex stable organic substances are oxidized to simple ones. Products of secondary sedimentation are removed by additional filtration through activated carbon medium if such filtration is included into the process chain.
Ozone generators are used:
-For water treatment at drinking water intake stations;
-For water conditioning and disinfection in food and pharmaceutical production;
-In deironing systems.
-Low operating costs (no need for secondary reagents);
-Low power consumption;
-Ozone high detoxifying capability;
-Ability to remove iron and manganese available in water in the form of colloidal particles or organic compounds;
-Achievement of good organoleptic properties of water;
-Wide range of units with various capacities.


1. shema-ochistki-vody-ozonom.jpg