

Complex of 24 hours monitoring of electrocardiograms «MYOCARD-HOLTER»

Supplier: «NIMP ESN» LLC

Myocard Holter delivery set includes: an interface block, a charger, a software CD, a User Manual, a Logbook and one or more recorders. Each recorder is placed in a bag with 2 cables. You will also need a PC with a wide screen (22" or 24") and a laser printer. As operating systems, Windows-XP or Windows 7 can be used.

«Home cardioanalyser »(ECG Recorder)

Supplier: «NIMP ESN» LLC

Home cardioanalyser is intended for ECG recording, its analysis on a PC and if necessary sending it for consultation.

The Myocard-12 Computer ECG Recorder (Standard ECG Analysis)

Supplier: «NIMP ESN» LLC

Composition: 12-channel cardio module КМ-4-USB; Lead’s cable, chest electrodes, electrodes for extremities; Software CD for Windows XP, Windows 7; User Manual and Form. Additionally: PC.