
The Myocard-12 ECG recorderт:
records standard 12-lead ECGs with simultaneous display on the screen;
records additional leads:
— long recording for up to 24 hours;
— according to Neb, at recording inhalation and at exhalation;
— top and right-side chest channels;
— hyperventilation and orthostatic tests.
checks for electrode breakage and automatically stabilizes isolines after connection recovery;
visualizes ECG:
— visualizes any increasesе;
— displays measurement rulers;
— displays 2 ECGs for comparison.
analyzes ECGs:
— an analysis of standard ECGs including children’s ones;
— a dynamic analysis of a series of ECGs ---
— screening ECG;
— long recordings analysis by means of the «Myocard-Holter software»
Prints out records: an ECG and a conclusion;
Maintains an ECG archive;
Maintains a test log;
Collects statistics on tests performed including data on abnormalities and abnormality groups;
Exports ECGs and conclusions to the standard RTF format.
Additional options:

You can download ECGs from the memory of a portable 12-channel Alton ECG recorder to a PC. Now ECGs recorded in hospital or«at home» wards are sent to a unified archive for analysis in a dynamic .
"Myocard-12" recorders can be connected into a network to create a "City ECG Archive";
You can sent ECGs from a "Myocard-12" to a consulting center. This practice exists in village hospitals.


According to our estimations, Myocard-12 outruns its competitors by the diagnostics and ECG quality level. You can check this out yourself by downloading a demo from our website. The database represented there includes almost all the abnormalities that can be diagnosed by the software.
In April 2008, medical screening software tests were carried out. Here are the results: 100% sensibility, 98.5% specificity. In April 2010, the following results of clinical test were received: 98% sensibility, 96% specificity. As of now, this is the most powerful ECG diagnostics software in Russia.
Please note a new section — «A Dynamic Analysis of an ECG Series;
No one else can do it in Russia except us. Some systems just offer a dynamic analysis of the previous ECG. An ECG series analysis is a globally important method. The comparison of conclusions based on a separate ECG and on a series of ECG brings striking results! For example, in 27% of cases the integral urgency estimations (Cito) differ. Moreover, in some cases an ECG series analysis show a need for hospitalization, while the results of an analysis of a separate ECG don’t. In other cases, it’s vice versa: nothing urgent as per a separate ECG, while an ECG series requires urgent hospitalization. Please see the Report for details"ECG Series Analysis"
An interesting trend among our competitors should be highlighted: The lower the diagnostics quality level is, the more complicated the interface is. With "Myocard-12" it’s the other way round: Extremely powerful diagnostics features and the most user-friendly interface. Myocard-12 maximum capacity is 25 pers./hour. On average, this practically means around 50 people daily.