
Mass mailing
Return your customers using the mass mailing function, notify your customers about new promotions. All messages in our service are free, regardless of quantity.
Automatically send out to your customers a message you have set that you haven’t received for a long time. For example, customers who have not made a purchase within 30 days (or any other specified period) will receive a separate notification.
Gather customer feedback
Using this function, you immediately get many advantages:
• You will find such methods of improving your service that it would be impossible to come up with on your own, the client will prompt them.
• Received customer ratings will help you more objectively evaluate your products / services and the effectiveness of your employees.
• With the function of instant notification of negative reviews, you can solve the client’s problem before writing a negative review on the Internet, and according to statistics, 95% of people who see a negative review on the company or product on the Internet will not contact her
Visit Record Function
If you provide services by appointment, then this service will allow the client to sign up to you immediately from the messenger. After that, a message with information about the recording will instantly come to your phone. This will take a matter of seconds from the client.