
Tender, rich and various colors, its corrosion resistant properties, strength and durability have attracted jewelers’ attention long time ago, because they appreciated the wide possibilities for realization of their art concepts and fancies.

Bijouterie made of zirconium is notable for elegancy, beauty, forethought and excellent artistic performance.

Light and stylish table settings of zirconium combine strict plastics of shape and high luster with expressive design and filigree stamping. The settings serve both for decoration of festive table and the plain family dinner.

Wine and brandy settings attract everybody’s attention by the diverse painting, they play all the colors of a rainbow, and tender metallic luster accentuates the drink aroma.

The customers may be pleased not only with the artistic merits of these settings and their elegant design and manufacturing skills, but with moderate prices as well.

Nowadays the Plant started to produce badges, medals and cups with customers’ symbolics.