
Novikombank mendukung proyek untuk membuat infrastruktur pengelolaan sampah baru
Rostec menyiapkan 100 ribu kembang api untuk Hari Kemenangan
Shvabe meningkatkan produksi kaca bebas oksigen
Russia-Singapore Business Council warmly congratulates the veterans-winners on the Great Victory Day!
Russia-Singapore Business Council warmly congratulates the veterans-winners on the Great Victory Day! We wish a peaceful sky, health, happiness and prosperity! On this Victory Day, let everyone say thank you to those who made our lives peaceful and calm! Let the sky above our heads always be clear and cloudless, so we and our children hear no war sounds. Happy Victory Day! Thank you, we honor and remember!
The premiere screening of «The Last Frontier» took place at the Center for Overseas Promotion of Russian High-Tech Companies and the Presentation of investment projects
On May 07, 2021 at 19:00 on the eve of the 76th Anniversary of the Great Victory, the premiere screening of «The Last Frontier» took place at the Center for Overseas Promotion of Russian High-Tech Companies and the Presentation of investment projects. The event was organized by Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in Singapore, Russia-Singapore Business Council with the assistance of State Corporation «Rostec». In Singapore and Russia, the event was attended by representatives of government agencies, cultural institutions, the media, and business partners. Sergey Pronin - Deputy Chairman of the Russia-Singapore Business Council, Alexander Solovyov – Representative of Rossotrudnichestvo in Singapore, producer of the film - Igor Ugolnikov addressed greetings to the guests and participants of the premiere screening. The technical possibilities of Center for Overseas Promotion of Russian High-Tech Companies and the Presentation of investment projects, created on the basis of RSBC with the assistance of State Corporation «Rostec» are used to show the film and organize a teleconference between countries. After the film was shown, guests had the opportunity to communicate and exchange experiences. The film «The Last Frontier» — is a film about the feat of cadets and commanders of the Podolsk Infantry and Artillery School on the outskirts of Moscow in October 1941 near Moscow. The positive role of the film is that it will give a positive impetus to the coverage of one of the most striking and at the same time unknown feats of Soviet soldiers in the entire Great Patriotic War. The cadets of the Podolsk artillery and infantry schools are completing their training, and they will soon become commanders. Two friends compete for a girl. Suddenly, the command learns about the breakthrough of the front and the movement of a German tank column to Moscow. The only serious force is the cadets, they must stop the Germans at the Ilyinsky defence line and hold out until the reserves approach. In fierce battles, where many of them die, they fulfill this task. Actors with leading roles: Alexey Bardukov, Evgeniy Diatlov, Sergey Bezrukov, Roman Madyanov, Yekaterina Rednikova. It is worth noting that such a film genre as war drama is already known to the Singapore audience. From November 20 to 26, 2020, the II Russian Film Week was successfully held. Due to the coronavirus pandemic in the world, the event was held in the online format, but aroused great interest among Si
RT-Techpriemka mengadakan pertemuan konsultatif untuk NPO Microgen dan Natsimbio tentang pemantauan kualitas
Shvabe meningkatkan produksi meteran listrik untuk sektor perumahan
Premiere screening of «The Last Frontier»
Premiere screening of «The Last Frontier» May 07, 2021 at 19:00 online format: offline format: Place: Center for Overseas Promotion of Russian High-Tech Companies and the Presentation of investment projects in Singapore (569874 5008 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 TechPlace II #01-06) Guests: Russian and Singaporean businessmen, compatriots, local people Organizers: Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in Singapore, Russia-Singapore Business Council with the assistance of State Corporation «Rostec». Actors: Alexey Bardukov, Evgeniy Diatlov, Sergey Bezrukov, Roman Madyanov, Yekaterina Rednikova etc. Plot: The cadets of the Podolsk artillery and infantry schools are completing their training, and they will soon become commanders. Two friends compete for a girl. Suddenly, the command learns about the breakthrough of the front and the movement of a German tank column to Moscow. The only serious force is the cadets, they must stop the Germans at the Ilyinsky defence line and hold out until the reserves approach. In fierce battles, where many of them die, they fulfill this task. The password for video will be available soon at!
Dengan keputusan Presiden Federasi Rusia, gelar Pahlawan Buruh Federasi Rusia diberikan kepada Viktor Polyakov, Direktur Pelaksana PJSC "UEC-Saturn"
UEC membahas alat negara untuk mendukung implementasi solusi TI
Shvabe memperkenalkan fotonik kepada generasi muda
ROSEKSIMBANK menandatangani perjanjian pinjaman dengan OJSC Shchekinoazot sebesar 2,5 miliar rubel
ROSEKSIMBANK menandatangani perjanjian pinjaman dengan Shchelkovo Agrokhim JSC senilai RUB 1,5 miliar
Hari Rostselmash diadakan di Uzbekistan untuk pertama kalinya
Technodinamika menjadi pemenang kompetisi "Eksportir Terbaik Wilayah Novosibirsk"
UEC sedang mempersiapkan pembuatan prototipe mesin industri AL-41ST-25
Rostec mulai menghasilkan pemandangan sipil dengan peningkatan delapan kali lipat
Sejak awal tahun, helikopter Rostec telah membantu memadamkan api di 11 negara
REC mulai menerima aplikasi untuk program rabat federal
Novikombank meningkatkan laba bersihnya sebesar 25% pada tahun 2020
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