
"A-Real Consulting" adalah salah satu eksportir terbaik tahun ini
Technodynamics telah mengembangkan cara untuk meningkatkan kekencangan dan daya tahan pengemas oli
Perusahaan Rostec akan memproduksi kacamata untuk memerangi insomnia
Shvabe mengumumkan kerja sama dengan Global Energy Corporation
SIC TSO bersama dengan AIS mengadakan pelatihan untuk perwakilan departemen keamanan organisasi Rostec State Corporation
REC memilih 12 perusahaan untuk mendemonstrasikan produk mereka di paviliun RRC, UEA, Mesir, dan Vietnam
Rostec mempresentasikan standar untuk membangun Kota Aman
Technodinamika mempresentasikan perkembangan Kementerian Situasi Darurat pada pameran Keamanan Terpadu
Rostec mempersembahkan solusi teknologi untuk menciptakan Kota Aman
Sistem produksi Rostec mendeteksi ancaman kimia dan biologi dalam 5 detik
Rostec memasok mesin industri untuk Nord Stream 2
Novikombank mengatur pembiayaan untuk kompleks radio-elektronik Rostec sebesar 62 miliar rubel
Shvabe menghadirkan detektor logam baru dengan fungsi pencitraan termal
Peralatan KRET baru akan meningkatkan kualitas susu
Perusahaan Novgorod KRET akan memulai produksi produk sipil baru
The premiere screening of "The Last Frontier" was held in Singapore
9 May 2021 our country celebrated 76th WWII Victory Day, on the eve of a celebration on May 7, film Podolsk Cadets premiered in Singapore, it was organized by Rossotrudnichestvo, VOENFILM studio and the autonomous non-profit organization "May 9" with the support of the Russkiy Mir Foundation. The Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in the Republic of Singapore and the Russian-Singapore Business Council held a teleconference with the filmmakers. The film's producer Igor Ugolnikov answered questions from representatives of the business and cultural community of Singapore. According to Igor Ugolnikov, the target audience of the film is the younger generation, the authors have worked out in detail the historical facts that formed the basis of the film. In the conversation the characters of the film were also discussed, each character has its own story and destiny. The producer paid attention to the story about the specificities of shooting war films. Igor Stanislavovich shared his plans for future projects. As a result of the teleconference, there was reached an agreement on the participation of films produced by VOENFILM studio in the next week of Russian cinema in Singapore. At the end of the event, the participants received specially made commemorative St. George ribbons, and were also able to taste the soldier's porridge. More than 3000 visitors acquainted with the materials related to the film on social networks. Users actively commented on the event and shared their impressions. More than 4,000 people visited the RSTrade platform for watching the film.
Rostec akan menghadirkan Ka-32A11M yang ditingkatkan di MAKS-2021
Motovilikhinskiye Zavody yang didukung oleh Rostec melanjutkan pasokan baja ke Eropa
RT-Techpriemka dan Institute of Quantum Physics akan menciptakan solusi IT untuk studi gas rumah kaca di planet ini
Produsen industri farmasi diberi kompensasi hingga 80% dari biaya sertifikasi produk medis di pasar luar negeri
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