

Radial cantilever machine for argon-arc welding “ARC-4M”

Supplier: JSCo "Electromechanica"

Radial cantilever machine for argon-arc welding “ARC-4M” is made for argon-arc welding of longitudinal seams of anticorrosive, titanium and heat-resistance alloys in the horizontal plane with tungsten non-consumable electrode in argon. The welding process is conducted in two modes: continuous and pulse.

Universal plasma plant “UPU-10”

Supplier: JSCo "Electromechanica"

Universal plasma plant “UPU-10” is designed for metal, ceramic powders plasma spraying on the surface of parts. It allows to made wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, friction, insulation, and other special plasma coatings from two powder dispensers simultaneously.

Flexible fire reservoir

Supplier: Neftetank LLC

Fire service and emergency services for fire extinguishing can use flexible fire tanks. Water is stored and drawn from them by ground transport and helicopters. Flexible fire tanks are manufactured from patented polymeric material and they are pillow shaped. Tank capacity, depending on purpose, can be from 1 m³ to 250 m³.

Flexible fuel tanks and knapsack canisters

Supplier: Neftetank LLC

Flexible fuel tanks and canisters can successfully replace the storage and transportation of liquid metal tanks, drums, cans. Such replacement solves the problem of fuel transport, and storage of empty containers. Made from a patented polymeric material equally resistant to various petroleum products. When filling on a flat surface, they take the form of pillows. One volume of the fuel tank may be from 25 liters to 1000 liters. If necessary, carry in a confined space canisters take its shape and dimensions. These fuel tanks are light weight (weight of the empty container with a soft 50 liter about 2 kg). Resistant to aggressive media transported liquid that does not limit its shelf life therein. Use soft tanks and canisters can be not only for the transportation and storage of petroleum products. Due to biological inertness of the material, there are also containers for transportation of liquid food products (bottled water, beer, brew, etc.).