


Supplier: Cosmo Publishing LLС

Blue clay is environmentally friendly natural product composed of mineral salts, trace elements, macro elements, etc. Blue clay is a powerful antiseptic, has a therapeutic effect, in particular, is struggling with skin diseases. She solves problems: enlarged pores, fine wrinkles, sagging and decline of tone of the skin, reducing the content of vitamins in the skin in spring and autumn, the disease of the sebaceous glands in the form of acne, dark spots inflammatory, heterogeneity of the skin color freckles and other pigmented spots. Blue clay stimulates blood flow to the skin, activates metabolic processes in cells of the epidermis. It contains substances that are beneficial for the hair, stimulate hair growth, removes dandruff, restores blood circulation. Properties of blue clay can be used in the treatment of diseases of the joints, muscles and spine.


Supplier: Cosmo Publishing LLС

The skin around the eyes is very thin, the epidermis in this area is thin, devoid of protection of the sebaceous glands and subcutaneous fat. It is in the area around the eyes that the first age-related skin changes are observed, such as bags, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes. Therefore, sensitive skin around the eyes requires special care.


Supplier: Kalancha, OOO

The power pump is used for a flow of water and aqueous solution of foaming agents with a temperature of up to 30°С, the pH hydrogen exponent from 7 to 10,5, the density of up to 1100 kg/m3, the mass concentration of particulates of up to 0,5% with their max size of 3 mm during the fire-extinguishing. The power pump can be used for pumping water from one reservoir into the other, for pumping water from wells, cellars, draining ponds, basins, for eliminating flooding of pits, cellars, buildings, for irrigation and watering, for preventing soil run-off, etc.


Supplier: Kalancha, OOO

The power pump is used for a flow of water and an aqueous solution of foaming agents with a temperature of up to 30°С, the pH hydrogen exponent from 7 to 10,5, the density of up to 1100 kg/m3, the mass concentration of particulates of up to 0,5% with their max size of 3 mm during the fire-extinguishing.

MONOTRACK tracked robot. Robot tracked chassis


We specialize in the development of tracked chassis on electric and gasoline traction. The chassis can be combined into platforms with the desired configuration. Our tracked platforms are used for delivery, patrolling, entertainment and special tasks.

Electron - set for an electric bike


The kit is needed to electrify any bicycle. Included: battery, engine, controller, wires, controls. The kit can be installed on virtually any model of an existing bike. An electric bike will allow you to ride a longer distance. It is in demand in the rental sector.

Monotrack tracked KIT for a motorcycle.


The caterpillar set will allow to modernize an off-road motorcycle into a single-track snowmobile. This construction is called a snowbiker. In front instead of the wheel there is a module with one ski, and at the back instead of a pendulum there is a track module with one track. The set is suitable for motorcycles of different power. Snowbike allows professionals to keep the shape of the motorcycle in winter, and to have fun and travel amateurs.

Sniejik - Electric snowmobile, light all-terrain vehicle


An electric snow scooter is a lightweight single-track snowmobile for moving one person across complex surfaces such as snow, sand, gravel, or swamp. It runs on electric traction. Disassembled with one multikey in 5 minutes and placed in a car piece by piece. No license or registration is required to drive.