

Detection of transuranium elements by laser spectroscopy

Supplier: V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute

Detection of transuranium elements by laser spectroscopy is superior to the usual procedure of analysis (radiochemistry + alpha spectrometry) in terms of sensitivity and speed. Laser spectroscopy methods can also be used for medical purposes. We are talking about the possibility of creation of the chemical generators of singlet-excited oxygen, which is considered in the medical literature to be a very effective factor in suppressing the growth of cancer cells of certain types of tumor.

Support in bankruptcy proceedings

Supplier: Prime Advice Consulting Group

Comprehensive (legal, financial and organizational) support for all categories of debtors. Defense of rights and interests of court-appointed managers against complaints from creditors, authorities, employee representatives, including defense of court-appointed managers in administrative sanction cases. Analysis of legal grounds for bankruptcy applications and possible implications of such applications. Preparation and filing of bankruptcy applications. Expertise of the financial status of the debtor. Representation of the debtor during various stages of bankruptcy proceedings, in creditors' meetings and in court. Legal support during the procedure of appointment of a manager. Contestation of debtor's transactions of transferring assets out of the company. Restitution of illegally sold property. Debt collection. Bringing the debtor's controllers (general manager, founder, etc.) to subsidiary liability (i.e. liability for the company debts with their personal property).

Dispute Resolution

Supplier: Prime Advice Consulting Group

Corporate disputes. Disputes relating to defense of property and real estate rights. Disputes on collection of debt by contract and other debt, indemnification. Disputes resulting from obligation defaults, as well as from contract nullification or contract reversal; conclusion and termination of contracts. Administrative disputes. Leasing disputes. Insurance disputes. Copyright infringement disputes. Protection of business reputation (libel, etc.) Disputes relating to award of compensation for a violated right to a trial or enforcement of a court order in reasonable time. Support in court proceedings overseas. Legal risk management – comprehensive or focused legal support of foreign clients doing business in Russia or cooperating with Russian companies.

Corporate and M&A

Supplier: Prime Advice Consulting Group

Preliminary consultations on the M&A structure. Due diligence for M&A objects. Obtaining the consent of antimonopoly authorities. Support in M&A transactions. Comprehensive support in reorganization of commercial companies. Registration of issue of securities. Corporate law advice for business owners. Organization and support for transactions of sale, purchase and pledge of shares in companies, including those with international participation; advice in liquidation of companies, including providing a liquidating agent and accounting record-keeping during liquidation proceedings. Registration of new corporate entities, including those with international participation.

Intellectual Property

Supplier: Prime Advice Consulting Group

Consulting on the use and protection in Russia and abroad copyright and patent rights as well as rights to the means of individualization , domain names and know-how. Preparation of licensing agreements and contracts for the assignment of exclusive rights. Representation the client' interests in court for intellectual property rights with the requirements of the seizure of infringing copies, recovery of compensation, of moral damages and application of other measures of protection.

Real Estate

Supplier: Prime Advice Consulting Group

Structuring of transactions involving acquisition and sale of real estate, including acquisition of land rights. Due diligence of land plots and other real property. Representation of clients before the state authorities/receipt of state concessions. Investment projects in the field of real estate and construction “from ground up”. Project structuring and optimization. Property management (rental, maintenance contracts, etc.). Modification and termination of contracts related to real estate. Litigation with regards to real estate issues.


Supplier: Prime Advice Consulting Group

Application of legislation relating to income tax, value added tax, corporate property tax, etc. Taxation of groups of companies. Taxation of M&A transactions. Tax rebates and deductions. Taxation of individuals. Legal support during cameral and field tax inspections. Disputing results of tax inspections, evaluation of chances of solving a dispute in tax authorities and in court. Preparation of appeals to court and to higher tax authorities. Preparation of court statements and of evidence for the case. Representation during court proceedings. Lodging complaints to higher courts, objections to appeals of tax authorities. Reimbursement of damage made by illegal actions of tax authorities.


Supplier: Prime Advice Consulting Group

Auditing has always played a special role for Prime Advice. Since 1996 our team has been performing complex auditing projects for finance departments of client companies, realizing hundreds of successful auditing projects with both Russian and foreign partners. The advantages of Prime Advice include the extensive experience of our experts, our adherence to principles of independence and our commitment to unconditional defense of interests of our clients. However, what truly sets Prime Advice apart is our unique ability to participate in the most complex projects that require expertise in various fields, such as auditing, valuation and law. In the year 2000 Prime Advice has successfully passed audit for compliance with international standards of HLB International and was made a member of this network. According to the International Accounting Bulletin, HLB International is among the 12 world's largest auditing and consulting agencies and associations. Prime Advice is also one of the 25 founders of the Institute of Professional Auditors. Since its founding, more than 300 Russian auditing companies have become its members.


Supplier: Prime Advice Consulting Group

Prime Advice. Appraisal. ranks among the marekt leaders by professional appraisal organizations and banks, including Sberbank RF. An important part of our work is to build realistic financial models for customers regardless of their industry. Networking with field experts and R&D institutions helps to provide top quality review of production processes and corporate economic indicators. ‘Prime Advice. Appraisal’ creates up-to-date appraisal tools for the practical work with non-public company debts.