

Ultra high resolution seismic (high/low frequency subbottom profiling)

Supplier: SPLIT

Functions: detailed study of the upper part of the section from 0 to 15 m, mapping of pipelines, search for damage to the lining of pipelines, search for gas leaks, detection and mapping of near-surface objects, detection of gas caps in the upper part of the section, mapping of landslide bodies

Side-scan sonar

Supplier: SPLIT

Equipment: Klein 3000, Benthos C3D,StarFish F450

Multibeam echo-sounding survey

Supplier: SPLIT

Functions: Water depth measurement, search for objects on the bottom, search for gas bubbles in the water, study of underwater engineering structures

Test Center

Supplier: Joint Stock Company Profotech

Profotech develops and produces state-of-the-industry instrumentation systems. The devices have all the necessary certificates of conformance, and are recorded into the State Register of Measuring Equipment of Russian Federation and CIS.

Environmental Monitoring

Supplier: Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center (LMSU MRC)

We focus on environmental surveys of the Arctic and Far East seas and coastal areas. Baseline and production environmental monitoring is used to preserve biological diversity and bioresources. It includes regular and comprehensive environment observations.

Mapping & GIS

Supplier: Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center (LMSU MRC)

Mapping and geographic information systems (GIS) have recently become an integral part of research and operation in many industries including marine research.

Applied Research

Supplier: Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center (LMSU MRC)

Marine Research Center at Moscow State University focused on applied marine research. Our priority is providing oil&gas and engineering companies with environmental expertise.

Educational Projects

Supplier: Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center (LMSU MRC)

Marine research education is our priority. We run workshops and conferences, schools and work studies, and continuing professional development courses at Moscow State University and our Partner universities in Russia and other countries.