

Tests in climatic chambers

Supplier: The Ruselectronics holding company

Large climatic chambers allow testing samples of large-sized products, mobile equipment, components and assemblies.

The testing technical center

Supplier: The Ruselectronics holding company

JSC "NIIPP", accredited in the system of voluntary certification "ELECTRONSERT", specializes in testing electronic component base (ECB) of domestic and foreign production.

Test Center

Supplier: Joint Stock Company Profotech

Profotech develops and produces state-of-the-industry instrumentation systems. The devices have all the necessary certificates of conformance, and are recorded into the State Register of Measuring Equipment of Russian Federation and CIS.

Test center

Supplier: CJSC «ZETO»

CJSC “ZETO” test center is one of the biggest test centers in Russia and represents a strong test base allowing performing tests on high-voltage equipment not only of in-house manufacture but also from other Russian enterprises.

Quality control of materials and intermediate goods

Supplier: RT-Techpriemka

Conformity assessment in the form of quality control and acceptance of materials and intermediate goods. We monitor the technological processes of production of materials and semi-finished products at the supplier enterprises. We determine their compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents and technological documentation. We inform the management of companies of revealed violations in the production technology of materials and intermediate goods and demand their elimination. We carry out work with claims and complaints.