

Business consulting

Supplier: I.T. Group

New approaches to the business process and unstructured information management automation are related to the integration of enterprise content management and business process management tools.

Energy efficiency

Supplier: I.T. Group

I.T. Co. implements energy saving and energy efficiency improvement project on the following lines: Urban and industrial lighting systems upgrading Construction of mini-thermal power plant for the independent heat and power supply for enterprises Upgrading city boiler houses

IT consulting

Supplier: I.T. Group

I.T. consultants having extensive hands-on IT consulting experience will help to solve many problems faced by the management of organizations, companies, and enterprises

End-to-end IT-Product

Supplier: SimbirSoft

End-to-end development is your choice if you are ready to entrust the entire product development process to a reliable tech partner that can handle the whole cycle starting including requirements collecting and implementation of the end version of the product.

Dedicated IT-center

Supplier: SimbirSoft

Dedicated IT-center is suitable for you if you want your product to be implemented by specialists of the required technical profile, in addition with flexible approach of the product development and the right team.

Upgrading Software

Supplier: SimbirSoft

Upgrading the system is for you if your software is outdated does not yield to further development, works slowly and with errors, does not give proper conversion.

"Rescuing" product

Supplier: SimbirSoft

"Rescuing" the product is for you if the your product does not work accordingly or functions incorrectly after the previous team did not deliver what you wanted.

Quality assurance

Supplier: SimbirSoft

The quality assurance service is for you, if you want your IT product to be popular and in demand with users and bring profit at the same time.

Supplier quality assurance (SQA)

Supplier: RT-Techpriemka

Building effective interaction with partners and suppliers