

Global Investigations

Supplier: Group-IB

Combating computer-based, financial, corporate crimes of varied size and complexity by bringing perpetrators to justice

Proactively identify suspicious activity within your environments

Supplier: Group-IB

Your data and infrastructure have probably been breached. We can help you assess your enterprise to determine if threat actors are still active in your environment or have circumvented your security defenses in the past. During a Compromise Assessment we detect traces of attack preparation and compromise within your IT infrastructure, assess the scale of damage and determine which assets in the network were attacked and how it occurred.

Financial Forensics

Supplier: Group-IB

Minimize risks for your business and eliminate the consequences of illegal activity

Product Certification in Russia


SCHNEIDER GROUP can support you with product certification in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, and guarantee a smooth and transparent certification process.


Supplier: LLC «FINGO-Complex»

To ensure the best performance and the highest quality under all conditions, we think of everything.