

Electronic pass application system

Supplier: LLC Electronika

The solution automates ordering, agreement and issuance of all type passes

PSIM Class Software Electronika Security Manager

Supplier: LLC Electronika

ESM is Electronika’s flagship development, PSIM*-class software for the different sites’ security management.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Supplier: A-Real Consulting

Kaspersky Anti-Virus (KAV) is thoroughly integrated with network firewall of ICS CUBE, allowing for zero delay reaction to threats discovered without slowing down the whole system.

Kaspersky Anti-Spam

Supplier: A-Real Consulting

Kaspersky Anti-Spam (KAS) is highly intellectual system for protection of corporate mail servers and users from unwanted and dangerous mail. It allows for fine grained control, provides extensive reports and uses various span detection and treatment techniques. Relies on Kaspersky Anti-Virus, therefore requires KAV to be installed in ICS CUBE.

Kaspersky Web Filtering

Supplier: A-Real Consulting

Kaspersky Web Filtering protects users from unwanted and unsafe content, phishing attacks and malicious web sites.