VoiceKey: Voice authentication platform
Supplier: STC Group LLC
Remote user authentication
Fraud prevention in contact centers
Biometrics authentication in mobile applications
Supplier: STC Group LLC
System of video identification of individuals for sports facilities
IKAR Lab: Forensic Audio Suite
Supplier: STC Group LLC
Professional hardware and software suite for speech signal analysis.
Since it has been launched in 1992, IKAR Lab has evolved from a sound editor application to the most popular forensic lab in the world. Today it is serving experts in 350 laboratories in more than 36 countries worldwide.
InfoWatch Traffic Monitor Benefits
Supplier: InfoWatch
InfoWatch Traffic Monitor is a centralized solution for preventing confidential data leaks and thus eliminating financial losses.
Supplier: InfoWatch
Supplier: InfoWatch
Analytics modules assess the overall security in the company and detect specific threats: Audit, Insight, and Inventory
Data Control modules set up security policies, data access control and filtering: Access Control, Application Control, Secure Erase, and Green IT
Encryption modules provide tools for encrypting sensitive data on commonly used types of storage: removable devices, local and network folders, and cloud repositories
Supplier: InfoWatch
InfoWatch Attack Killer is a unique solution for continuous proactive protection against all kinds of attacks. The solution minimizes risks caused by the human factor and ensures timely protection against evolving hacker technologies