

Horizontal network heater

Supplier: Uralkhimmash


Rotary mower Strige

Supplier: Klever JSC

Strige series mowers are the most lightweight in their class. Due to this aspect, machines Strige 2100/2400/2800 provide minimal fuel consumption and pressure on soil, as well as excellent copying of the field relief. At sufficiently high operating speed, reaching 15km/h, the machines ideally mow high-yielder and laid grass, and uniformly lay the cut grass masses into swath. «Strige 2800»-series mowers due to specially designed cutterbar, that includes three guiding conveyors and field divider, allow to mow mass and lay into even roller widths up to 1.6 m. Continuous functioning of Strige will nicely surprise even the most exacting agricultural goods producers. The mowers will diligently perform their work, demonstrating excellent results. At PTO rotational speed of 540 rpm, they are aggregated with tractors of 0.9-1.4 t.s. drawbar category.

Rotary rakes Kolibri

Supplier: Klever JSC

Swath-forming is the important and responsible stage of the whole forage preparation process. Rotary rakes Kolibri will be ideal for farms that prepare forage by themselves for domestic needs. Efficiency of Kolibri 4,7 m achieves up to 5.6 hectare/hour at grasp width of 4.7m. The rake performs thorough raking of grass from wide swaths into even rolls, light tossing of the mowed mass in swaths, covering, throwing and doubling hay swaths. Possibility of choosing the swath width allows to adjust the machine for further operation of baler. The rake overcomes obstacles like stones or soil unevenness by means of special tandem trolley. They also save your time due to the quick replacement of rake elements and reduced time for aggregation. The rakes are used in the fields with lined surface. They are aggregated with tractors of 1,4 drawbar category. Kolibri will show the excellent working results with minimal losses.