

8-position turret head

Supplier: Srednevolgsky stankozavod Ltd.

A tool head with eight positions and horizontal rotation axis U16-520.000.000 is used for the exchange and precise positioning of a cutting tool consistent with the program of CNC machines.

Centrifugal crushers DC

Supplier: Closed joint-stock company "Ural-Omega"

DC centrifugal crushers are high performance crushers of the centrifugal impact operating principle, that are used for grinding, granulating, and crushing of ore and non-ore materials of different strength and hardness.

Grinding Complexes KI

Supplier: Closed joint-stock company "Ural-Omega"

KI grinding complexes are the optimally assembled system of modular units that are easy to operate and service, require little space, and are notable for high performance and low power consumption.

Classifying Complexes KG

Supplier: Closed joint-stock company "Ural-Omega"

Complexes for dry air classification of granular materials of -10 mm fractions with the productivity of up to 60 t/h and effective separation of up to four finished product classes.

Unbalanced-Throw Screens GI

Supplier: Closed joint-stock company "Ural-Omega"

Unbalanced-throw screens for check, intermediate, and final bulk material screening.

Stationary cubiform crushed stone production lines

Supplier: Closed joint-stock company "Ural-Omega"

Ideal for production of the fractionated cubiform crushed stone from most types of rocks.