提供者: YSAR+
Specialized Software system under the title of the System of Descriptions, Recommendations and Statistics of Mammography
Screening (SORS-MS), as well as by means of processing, transmitting and receiving medical images and conducting remote telemedicine consultations.
Preventive X-ray mammography is a method of the early detection of Breast Cancer (BC) in women older than 40 years. Efficiency of prophylactic mammography depends on compliance with
the quality standards of mammography tests, professional skill level of doctors and experience in conducting similar large-scale tests.
The unique BC Screening System , developed by JSC “YSAR+”, is aimed at the practical implementation of a number of measures ensuring the efficient organization of the process of providing
public services using Innovative Screening Technology based on radiological diagnostic methods (utilizing a package of specialized Software for Telemedicine and the System of Descriptions, Recommendations and Statistics (SORS-MS) developed for mammography screening and diagnostics.