

High efficient single stage thermoelectric coolers

Supplier: Kryotherm

Thermoelectric coolers for industrial applications

Thermoelectric assemblies of "air-air" type

Supplier: Kryotherm

The thermoelectric assemblies of "air-air" type, produced by Kryotherm, include fans apart from hot and cold radiators.

Drive mechanism (МП)

Supplier: JSC "SIC "Cascade"

The drive mechanism МП-6 Series with the stroke length of 20 mm and 25 mm is designed for the combined use in the sliding blocks with the connectors СПН1, КВН, НК, СП and СП-М Series.

Kits for Equipment of the Sliding Elements (КОВЭ)

Supplier: JSC "SIC "Cascade"

КОВЭ designed for equipment of the sliding elements (blocks, modules) of low-voltage devices, connecting them with external structures (cabinets) and electrical circuits.

Plug-in typesetting contacts (КВН)

Supplier: JSC "SIC "Cascade"

Designed for connection of the power equipment to electrical current buses