

Organic fertilizers (NPK 6:4:2) , humates (NPK 5,9:3,1:0,8),

Supplier: Eco Technologies and Materials LLC

organic fertilizers based on chicken fermented manure (hereinafter organic fertilizers), as well as humates: (liquid): potash, sodium and ammonium-phosphorous

The composition of the heterogeneous implantable gel - SPHERO®ge

Supplier: BIOMIR Servis JSC

The composition of the heterogeneous implantable gel - SPHERO®gel – helps maintain and improve joint health and functions. The gel is used in traumatology and orthopedics, in treatment of degenerative and traumatic changes.

SPHERO®gel for cosmetology

Supplier: BIOMIR Servis JSC

SPHERO®gel for cosmetology practically completely imitates the composition of dermal extracellular matrix which provides for microenvironment similar to ECM for proliferation and differentiation of dermal fibroblasts, thus stimulating the process of skin regeneration.