

Light-signaling devices PSPK

Supplier: The Ruselectronics holding company

Light-signaling devices PSPK red color glow with a refracting Fresnel lens are designed for light fencing of high-rise and extended objects that pose a security risk to aircraft at night.

Light-signaling devices ESPPP-7590

Supplier: The Ruselectronics holding company

Electric light-signaling devices with semiconductor lamps suspended ESPPP-75 are intended for use as signal navigation lights.

Analyzer "Protein-1"

Supplier: Shvabe

The Protein-1 analyzer is designed to determine the vitreous content of raw gluten and protein in wheat grain. The measurement process does not exceed three minutes. The developer and manufacturer of the device is the company "shvabe-Technological laboratory".

Light-signaling device ESPP-9090M

Supplier: The Ruselectronics holding company

Electric light-signaling devices with an ESPP-90 semiconductor lamp are intended for use as signal navigation lights installed on coastal and floating navigation signs (GOST 26600), used on inland shipping lanes to ensure safe conditions of passage of ships in the dark.

The device light-signaling directed action ESPPN-140

Supplier: The Ruselectronics holding company

The semiconductor device of directional action ESPPN-140 is used as coastal navigational signs for navigable situations - in the target lights.

Optical colorless inorganic glass

Supplier: Shvabe

Optical colorless inorganic glasses have a high optical uniformity, the deviation from which is estimated by tenths of a percent. A wide range of optical glasses is determined by the variety of their chemical composition. In this case, the composition of each type of glass is characterized by the content of some elements of the periodic system, changing in relatively small quantities. Optical glasses are divided into two large groups – crowns and flints, and the glasses of each group are divided into types.

Glass optical color inorganic

Supplier: Shvabe

Optical colored inorganic glasses are glasses colored in mass. Optical colored inorganic glasses provide isolation or absorption of part of the spectrum from ultraviolet to infrared. The selection of a part of the spectrum in glasses is formed by color centers (different types of electronic transitions).

Special crown. Glass grade OK4

Supplier: Shvabe

Non-silicate optical colorless inorganic glass. In its composition, the special crown is a pure fluoro- phosphate glass. The main components are fluorides of elements I, II, and III of the periodic table and metaphosphates.