

Universal multifunctional repair installation (soldering station) PRC 2000 SMT, PACE, USA

Supplier: JSC “Radio Engineering Corporation “Vega”

Repair soldering station for the repair of printed circuit boards, replacement of electronic components.

Solder preparation before soldering

Supplier: JSC “Radio Engineering Corporation “Vega”

Soldering bath with integrated temperature controller and temperature sensor Quick-100-15S, Changzhou Quick Soldering, China

Quality control of washing printed units after installation

Supplier: JSC “Radio Engineering Corporation “Vega”

Set of chemical quality control tools for washing PP Flux Test + Resin Test, Zestron, Germany

Optical installation quality control

Supplier: JSC “Radio Engineering Corporation “Vega”

Stereo magnifier Mantis Elite, Vision Engineering, Great Britain Visual inspection station VS8 System 5 Lynx, Vision Engineering, Great Britain

X-ray quality control installation

Supplier: JSC “Radio Engineering Corporation “Vega”

X-ray control unit with tomography function XT V160, Nikon, Japan

Selective moisture protection using automated equipment

Supplier: JSC “Radio Engineering Corporation “Vega”

The line of selective application of moisture-proof coatings based on the PVA650, PVA installation, USA

Complex of teaching and training tools

Supplier: JSC Sozvezdie

Technical solution to create a learning environment and a tool for the formation of students ' readiness for practical activities.

Electric scooter and bike sharing

Supplier: Shvabe

Automated rental system of scooters and bicycles without operator.