

EP2K Passenger DC Electric Locomotive

Supplier: JSC "Transmashholding"

EP2К is Russia’s first passenger DC locomotive. It is fitted with a coach power supply system.

TEM28 Shunting Diesel Locomotive

Supplier: JSC "Transmashholding"

TEM28 is a modern six-axle locomotive produced in Russia. Powerful, reliable and efficient in operation. It has modular design that simplifies locomotive repair and maintenance, reduces downtime and service costs.


Supplier: JSC "Stroyservice"

AO “Stroyservis” company is the 6th coking coal producer in Russia. Highly liquid grades of coking coal are in great demand on the market. The products are supplied to the largest Russian metallurgical plants and coke-chemical enterprises to produce high quality coke and use as pulverized coal fuel in blast furnaces.


Supplier: JSC "Stroyservice"

Through company’s own raw material base, high quality of technical equipment, and highly skilled staff the company ensures continuous supply of quality products.

Omela coated paper

Supplier: Ilim Group

Omela is intended for exceptional quality printing.