

IRIScan Book 5

Supplier: IRIS Company

The IRIScan Book 5 Wifi scans your books in the best possible way!

Readiris 17 Creating PDFs from your files

Supplier: IRIS Company

Readiris 17 lets you create PDF files from any file format. Transform your Excel tables, your Word and PowerPoint files into high-quality PDF files that are ultra-light and easy to share

IT consulting

Supplier: Cybernet LLC

The consultants of Cybernet have considerable practical experience in the field of IT consulting that will help to solve many problems facing heads of the organizations, the companies and the enterprises: assessment of compliance of systems operating at the enterprise to the specifics and requirements of business; organization of effective structure for management of IT creation of optimum architecture of corporate information systems, computing and telecommunication infrastructure; assessment of scale and efficiency of IT investments to the organization requirements; choice of IT solutions is the most adequate tasks of the enterprise

Development of software products

Supplier: Cybernet LLC

Development of the custom-made software is a creation of original information system or special modules on the basis of industrial decisions of large vendors and free software. Use of the checked technological platforms, unlike system programming "from scratch", allows to resolve easily issues of speed, scalability, reliability, support and further modernization.


Supplier: United Chemical Company "Shchekinoazot"

Electrodialysis units (EDU) are used for desalting slightly salted water, obtaining drinking water, preparing water in production processes, concentrating solutions, and much more. The electrodialysis module is a filter-press type equipment that consists of two repeatedly appearing sections: the concentration section (brine) and the desalting section (desalting). Before switching on the direct current, all sections of the electrodialyzer are evenly filled with cations and anions of the electrolyte. When the current is switched on, cations migrate through the cationic membrane to the cathode, but their further electromigration to the cathode is limited by the low-permeable anionite membrane. Accordingly, anions migrate to the anode through the anionite membrane when a direct electric current flows, but further electromigration to the anode is prevented by cationic membranes, which are not permeable to anions. The result is a symmetrical process in which cations and anions from even sections, called desalting sections, migrate to odd sections, where they accumulate, and the sections are called concentration sections (brine).


Supplier: United Chemical Company "Shchekinoazot"

Nanofiltration units (NFU) are based on the use of nanofiltration technology – a baromembrane process that consists of filtering of a liquid under pressure through a semipermeable membrane with a pore size of 1-10 nm. The technology occupies an intermediate position between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis filtration processes, but unlike the latter, in nanofiltration, the selectivity for multi-charged ions is higher than for single-charged ones, and the transmembrane pressure is lower.

Akardo, CSC

Supplier: Schelkovo Agrohim

colloidal solution concentrate spirodiclofen 250 g/L Contact-action product of insecticide acaricidal chemical class to combat mites and other pests on apple, grapes, and soybean crops.

Azorro, SC

Supplier: Schelkovo Agrohim

suspension concentrate carbendazim 300 g/L + azoxystrobin 100 g/L Combined fungicide for the protection of cereals from a complex of diseases

Creation of infrastructure

Supplier: Cybernet LLC

Creation of the corporate system providing smooth and effective functioning of business, data-processing centers and the distributed information infrastructures, is a priority for each enterprise. The Cybernet company offers you all stages of engineering services: from design and complete supply of equipment to installation of "turnkey" engineering systems and further use.


Supplier: Kazzinc

Our Company is the largest zinc producer in Kazakhstan. In 2019, the Company produced 293'000 tons of zinc.