

Scraper for manure removal

Supplier: Dakhmira-S LLC

any dimensions available

Hutch with a pen

Supplier: Dakhmira-S LLC

galvanization or polymer painting

C-profile 02-02-2200.001.000

Supplier: Dakhmira-S LLC

L=2,200 mm (from the sheet of 1.5 mm, hot-dip-galvanized)

Stall for swine insemination (n-shaped)

Supplier: Dakhmira-S LLC

hot-dip-galvanized, with no feeder. Customized dimensions.

Hanger trough

Supplier: Dakhmira-S LLC

02-02- 0650.000.000 (stainless steel A I S I 3 0 4 1.5 mm)

Individual trough

Supplier: Dakhmira-S LLC

stainless steel A I S I 3 0 4 1.5 mm Customized dimensions.

Sow farrowing stall, hot- dip-galvanized

Supplier: Dakhmira-S LLC

with no account for trough. Customized dimensions.