

RTK RTSM 3 System

Supplier: LLC RostAgroServis

Entry-level RTK System. It allows conducting works requiring enhanced precision of vehicle positioning.

AGN 1.6LED 12V Nozzle Lightning Element

Supplier: LLC RostAgroServis

The lightning element is meant for nozzles work evaluation during the night time. It is set between a pair of nozzles and illuminates the flame allowing to evaluate the quality and operational capability of the system. It can be used as a part of our control system as well as separately.


Supplier: Sibedge

Our extensive experience in software development for iOS and Android allows us to implement mobile projects of any complexity.


Supplier: Sibedge

We use automation when manual testing is not possible or is too costly.

Manual testing

Supplier: Sibedge

Manual testing has always been – and still remains – the primary method used to identify software defects.