

AGN AT5 Agricultural Navigation System

Supplier: LLC RostAgroServis

A universal deviсe, in its basic configuration it works as a simple GNSS Guidance System. However, the primary purpose of the device is operation as a part of the control and monitoring system in the process of applying (spraying or spreading) of various chemicals during field works. The control and monitoring system allows to keep predetermined dose rate when applying fertilizers, control the entrance into applied area of the field and turn on/off sections (and/or nozzles) automatically.

AGROGLOBAL AGN8000 Guidance System

Supplier: LLC RostAgroServis

Entry-level navigation system. It is suitable for works which do not require high precision of vehicle positioning. As a rule, such works include the application of liquid and solid compounds (various fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, pest control chemicals etc.) seeding with the help of distributors (RUMs).

AGN CMU-01M Sprayer Control Unit

Supplier: LLC RostAgroServis

The control unit is a component part of the system of control over the process of applying liquid fertilizers. It allows automatizing field treatment process thus significantly minimizing a human factor. It is used together with the AGN AT5agricultural navigation system.