

The AL-55/I - turbofan engine

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

The AL-55/I - turbofan engine, designed for new generation trainer aircraft.

D-30KU/KP support and services

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

UEC-Saturn is a basic company for production and MRO of the D-30KU/KP engines, enjoying the right of the D-30KU/KP engines designer.

SaM146 support and services

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

PowerJet (the JV between UEC-Saturn and SAFRAN Aircraft Engines) provides an entire support for Customers of Superjet 100 aircraft in all after-sale aspects of SaM146 propulsion system

Industrial GT support and services

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

UEC-Saturn provides a wide range of after sale support and services for industrial gas turbines, focused on service life extending, operating and maintenance cost reduction.

EGES-12P GT Gensets

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

The gas turbine gensets are used to produce heat and power.They may be used both as the main and standby source of power supply, at base, semi-peak and peak loads, in a standalone mode or in parallel with other sources of power supply or power systems.

EGES-16PA2 / GTES-16PA GT Gensets

Supplier: United Engine Corporation (UEC)

The gas turbine gensets are used to produce heat and power.They may be used both as the main and standby source of power supply, at base, semi-peak and peak loads, in a standalone mode or in parallel with other sources of power supply or power systems.