

TRUSTEDICON Platform for Secure Data Storage & Managemen

Supplier: Quikproto Research Labs Pvt Ltd

Provides secure remote access, secure web browsing, protection against cyberattacks (phishing, MitM and MitB). Provides protection against data leakage, document loss and malicious copying or transfer. Enables establishments to run secure mobile offices – allows officers & staff to work remotely or from public infrastructure. Packaged as portable secure drive.

TRUSTEDDOC Platform for Enterprise Digital Rights Management (EDRM

Supplier: Quikproto Research Labs Pvt Ltd

Seamlessly secures documents against unauthorised usage (prevents document copying, cut & paste, sharing through mails/ messages). Integrated with office work flow, file system and data archives. Supports military grade encryption (open to use third party crypto on plug and play basis), multiple Operating Systems, ORC scanners and file formats. Provides Hybrid Encryption to create unique Encryption each time with Dynamic Key Management.

Power Strips

Supplier: Indoplast

Our Power Strips is recommended for office Computers, Media Players, Stereos, TV’s Household Appliances and many other Small Electrical and Electronic items.