

Smart Pan | Orthopantomograph

Supplier: MASHRUBA

Product: Ortho Pantomo Graph (OPG) Models/Ratings: ALLDENT HF – 3.5 KW Series: SmartPan

Fixed Cathlab

Supplier: MASHRUBA

Series: ALTIMA Rating: 80 / 100 KW Application: Interventional cardiovascular, adult and pediatric

Mobile Cathlab

Supplier: MASHRUBA

Models: LIFE – 20/40/65, PHOTON – 80 Series: LIFE / PHOTON Rating: Life – 20 / 40 / 65 KW Photon – 80 KW

Tread Mill Test (TMT) System

Supplier: MASHRUBA

Models: GEMINI-A-DX / DX-AM / WL Series: GEMINI Application: Diagnosis of heart abnormalities like blockage in artery with symptoms of angina pain.

Multipara Monitor (MPM)

Supplier: MASHRUBA

Models: LIBRA – 105, 106, 107 LIBRA PLUS – 105, 106, 107 LIBRA PLUS – 125, 126, 127 Series: LIBRA PLUS

Electrocardiograph (ECG)

Supplier: MASHRUBA

Models: PISCES 103i Application: Recording of electrical activity of heart.

Electrocardiograph (ECG)

Supplier: MASHRUBA

Models: PISCES 103i Application: Recording of electrical activity of heart.

Image Plus

Supplier: MASHRUBA

Product : C-Arm image intensifier Models/Ratings : HF 49/ HF 49/HF49R (3.5 / 6 KW) Series : Image Plus


Supplier: MASHRUBA

Product : Trolley Free C-Arm image intensifier Models/Ratings : HF 59R – 6 / 15 KW Series : Roll Scan

Electroencephalograph (EEG)

Supplier: MASHRUBA

Models: 24 / 32 / 40 Application: Recording and monitoring of electrical activities of brain and to investigate and locate sezure origin.