
The loudspeaker communication network enables voice message broadcast transmission to all users from any terminal while both intercommunication equipment and complicated multifunctional terminals can be used for transmission.
The loudspeaker communication network supports creation and simultaneous use of several loudspeaker communication groups composed of distributed terminal units integrated in a common communication "circuit". Each group acting as part of the network can include dozens of such user terminals. The group is created at a logic level and does not depend on the physical layer structure. Groups can be created and configured, as well as group members can be connected and disconnected without interruption of communications.
Single NABAT terminals included in loudspeaker communication network can be connected to several loudspeaker communication groups at once (for example, it can be reasonable at the strategic management level). And one terminal can listen to all loudspeaker communication groups simultaneously and supports switching between the groups for sending voice message to one selected group only. If voice information exchange occurs between more that one loudspeaker communication group simultaneously, the voice volume can be adjusted separately for each group for the purpose to prioritize conversations as the most essential at a time.
Specific configuration and equipment content of the system are determined depending on parameters of the protected facility.