
Spheres of use
Missiles and rocket engines shells.
Dhells, geophysical instrument boxes.
Electrical insulators.
Fiberglass rings/half rings.

We have many years of experience in fiberglass cylindrical-shaped products development and manufacturing by winding methods.

The current method advantages are the following:

allows oriented reinforcing materials in products structure creation while considering their operation features.
the maximum possible finished product strength of has been achieved.
allows to provide products with strength characteristics much superior to other molding methods, pultrusion, etc.
Operating temperature from -80 to + 150 °C
Destructive internal pressure, MPa up to 80,0
Strength, MPa up to 310
Elasticity modulus, hPa up to 35,6
Material density, kg/m3 1800÷2100
Specific volumetric electrical resistance, Ohm
- dielectric >109
- antistatic <103

A small pipes mass is less than similar metal product weight from three to five times;
Low pipeline installation cost since the pipes are mounted manually without heavy equipment and electrochemical protection and welding works organization are not required;
High pipeline assembly speed: our record is 1200 m pipeline with 200 mm diameter per day;
Complete corrosion absence (the material is inert to acids, alkalis, salts, hydrogen sulphide and oxygen-containing compounds);
The service life exceeds 50 years even while transporting corrosive liquids;
Paraffins, solid sediments and various salts deposits absence or significant reduction on the inner pipes surface due to the walls smoothness and low thermal conductivity;
Low hydraulic resistance due to a smooth inner surface;
High abrasion resistance.