
Wingspan - 3.5 m
Endurance - 4 hours
Speed - 65 - 120 km/h
Radio link range - 70 km
Video transmission range - up to 25 km
Max flight range - 110 km
Max takeoff weight - 5.5 kg
Deployment time - 10 min
Takeoff - elastic catapult
Landing - on a parachute in automatic or semi-automatic mode
Payload options:
- 20/24/42 MP photo camera with the ability to be mounted on the azimuth stabilized platform
- Gyro-stabilized thermal imaging camera and/or PAL or HD video camera with 10х optical zoom, that can be combined together, and optionally enhanced with a laser target marker
- Multispectral camera
Optional equipment:
- Automatic target tracking module
- Dual (triple) system, dual-frequency geodetic receiver
- Video link for digital broadband transmission within a range of up to 25 km
- Radio link of telemetry and control with the ability of FHSS operation