
The main purposes of early (pilot) field development and production are to study identified commercial hydrocarbon deposits, to obtain data on field geology and thermodynamic parameters of reservoirs and deposits which are necessary to estimate mineral reserves, to plan the project (general or process layout) of development and accelerated preparation of a field for rational development. Another important purpose of early (pilot) field development and production stages is to increase efficiency of commercial exploration.

It is possible to recommend early (pilot) field development and production depending on the specific conditions and characteristics of deposits. Test production is applied when it is appropriate to combine purposes of deposit studies with oil, gas and condensate production on industrial scale. It should be noted that in the rational implementation of this combination provides the most complete study of geological and physical deposit parameters and evaluation of commercial hydrocarbon reserves by the method of formation pressure depletion. However, commercial oil and gas extraction from the reservoir during its test production is not always possible or rational. This is often due to the remoteness of the fields from main oil and gas pipelines, the lack or necessity for industrial oil, gas or condensate production.

Our company offers our customers a flexible approach depending on geological survey issues, availability or lack of infrastructure. Our modular solutions and technologies allow to solve the problems of any degree of complexity within the shortest possible period of time.