
The energy capacity is determined by the volume of the electrolyte, and the power is determined by electrodes area. Flow batteries are scalable and can be easily adapted to customer needs.
more than 20 years of operation

excellent scalability

more than 20,000 charge-discharge cycles

simple and affordable increase in capacity

energy storage capacity and power are independent from each other

Complete discharge is allowed and will not harm the battery
Efficiency - 80%

fast response to load changes, resistance to load drops

fire safety and explosion safety

almost complete absence of self-discharge
(<2% per year)

operating temperature range from -30 to 60°C

no harmful emissions during operation

Low specific storage capacity (20 Wh / l ~ 5 - 10 times lower than that of Li-ion batteries)

Battery performance (charge and discharge speed) decreases with decreasing temperature, but operation at low temperatures does not reduce battery life

Toxicity of battery electrolyte components